Read on and discover how the design of your website plays a crucial role on improving your Google clicks and SEO.

Credit: Wix Community
We want to make sure that you are getting better at SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) by the week so we will keep on with the posting and give you a gentle boost.
Since search engine rankings - like Google's front page - are determined by advanced algorithms which are definitely not your everyday comfort read, you would be forgiven if you find the SEO topic intimidating.
However SEO performance is largely based on parameters that are actually rather logical if not intuitive, so you actually know more about SEO than you might think.
In our SEO Basics blog post we outlined how good SEO increases business visibility by boosting your website on Google's front page and if you recall, there are just 10 spots for that! Essentially, if you’ve ever spent even just three minutes searching for a question on Google or any other search engine, then you’re already getting a good start in understanding which websites get that SEO attention and which are thrown into oblivion (i.e. down Google's infinite search pages).
Browsing the Web (Design)
Fact is, the more we as internet users appear to be enjoying a specific website - a behaviour measured through signals like the amount of time spent on a site's page before leaving, or the total number of pages we scroll through - the likelier it is to get a helpful SEO-boost up the rankings.
Good SEO increases business visibility
Take a moment here and think about your own browsing routine. What are some design elements you encounter on a site that leave you in fear of your life and spamming the back button? Also, what are features which keep you hovering over the page and engaging with the what you found?
If through this mental exercise you found yourself having strong opinions or experiences, then Google has more in common with you than you think! To get your business website by search engines such as Google, we are going to dive into how the design of your website affects your online SEO:
Web Design Essentials
Naturally, dynamic and fresh web content is absolutely essential to having a stellar SEO performance since in those first few seconds that a visitor lands on your website, before even reading a single line of your info they have already made the decision to remain or jump ship and hit the next site.
Our studio has created a quick checklist about how certain design elements can affect your website bounce rate so make sure to check it out!
In a nutshell, here are which design elements you need to consider when thinking about SEO:
Readable text. Believe us when we say that we absolutely understand the insatiable need of toying around with different fonts but despite being fun, there's a correct and costly way of going about that. Pick font colours and sizes which won’t leave your visitors squinting for words (Adobe has recently released a killer guide on that). As a main principle, try to maintain powerful contrast between your text and page background so that your copy is confidently readable against any backdrop. For example, a dark background calls for lighter coloured typography and vice versa. For those of you insisting to play with your font colours (we like you the best by the way), try this colour tool to evaluate your bold designs pre-publication.

Online colour tools can help you set the mood for your business
Colour psychology. Did you know that actual scientific research on how various colours impact our moods exists? Luckily, you don’t have to invest in a psychology degree to get your website going. In the meantime, this colour scheme guide outlines how to accentuate the right emotions with your colour palette and keep visitors coming. All too complicated? Seek out our branding experts and let's get emotional!
Show your hospitality. Growing up, we were always taught to be inviting to visitors. When it comes to your website, that doesn't mean suffocating it with pop-ups and banners. While it's of course necessary to provide your visitors with suitable CTA options (call-to-action), timing is everything. Give visitors a peaceful five-second preview of how fresh your website is so they don't go running when the pop-up makes it appearance and Google misreads that as a website not worth boosting.
Would you like to see a menu? (Yes please.) Beyond being a navigational compass for exploring guests, the website menu also serves headlines and titles which provide your website with a clear structure - something Google absolutely relishes.
Picture that SEO Success
While it is true that keywords and competitive research are key in the world of SEO, your website images can play a crucial role to scoring some points on the search engine scoreboards:

One image is worth approximately 125 characters
Keep it fast. We have all 'enjoyed' that break-your-keyboard moment when the website just won't load and time dilates into eternity. That loading circle has been known to topple empires and send even the most patient of people (looking at you dad) to ruins. Being website designers, we can help you save the lives of countless visitors by optimising your images keep your site fast and online business alive. Simply click below and stop this madness!
Readable pictures. Pictures are actually not worth a thousand words - at least online and with SEO. Here’s what happens: the Google bots 'crawl' your website for relevant keywords don’t really know how to “read” pictures - even those with text on them. However, your business can still remain SEO-relevant by adding alt text on every image and helping those crawlers get a better read of your website.
If you have made it until here, congrats! You have now learnt that SEO success is driven mostly by happy visitors. A clear site hierarchy with a navigational structure and a stunning design are essential elements to boost your SEO, and in turn, your online business.